Administration of the State Representative

საქართველოს ადმინისტრაციულ-ტერიტორიულ ერთეულებში - აბაშის, ზუგდიდის, მარტვილის, მესტიის,

სენაკის, ჩხოროწყუს, წალენჯიხის, ხობის მუნიციპალიტეტებსა და თვითმმართველ ქალაქ ფოთში

eng_ქალაქი ზუგდიდიeng_ფოთიeng_მარტვილიeng_ხობიeng_წალენჯიხაeng_ჩხოროწყუeng_აბაშაeng_სენაკიeng_მესტიაeng_რეგიონის განვითარების სტრატეგია 2014-2021eng_სამოქმედო გეგმაeng_ანგარიშები

eng_ახალი ამბები

Construction of the multi-profile hospital in the village Rukhi is actively ongoing

2016-10-27 11:49:00

220-bed university hospital consists of 7 blocks and different type technical buildings. At the moment, construction is completed in all 7 buildings; 

Sewage and water supply systems and helicopter landing area is arranged.  The outer perimeter paving works are ongoing.

There will be arranged classrooms and libraries for medical students and residents, sports facilities, parking, internal paths, pools and parks on the territory of the hospital. Also, 92 –bed dormitory for the residents and the family members of patients will be arranged.

 Construction works will be financed from the state budget under the supervision of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia and implemented by "State Construction Company" Ltd. 154 people have been employed on construction works and the most of them are the local residents.

After opening of the hospital, residents of the village Rukhi and the surrounding villages will be able get medical assistance and, they will not have to travel to Zugdidi for medical services.  The hospital will serve patients from Abkhazia, as well.

Construction works of the hospital is funded from the state budget and its cost is 41 million 264 thousand GEL.


eng_ლაივ კამერაDMO SZSeng_პროექტები

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