Administration of the State Representative

საქართველოს ადმინისტრაციულ-ტერიტორიულ ერთეულებში - აბაშის, ზუგდიდის, მარტვილის, მესტიის,

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State Representative and Delegate Meet with Devils on Baramia Street in Zugdidi

2025-01-31 19:30:00

State Representative of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti, David Verava, and Zugdidi's delegate to the Parliament of Georgia, David Kodua, met with citizens at the IDP settlement on Baramia Street in Zugdidi. At the meeting, they listened to the needs of the citizens.

It was noted that active communication with citizens and addressing existing needs is a top priority for the team.

"This format of meetings gives us the opportunity to receive information directly from citizens on the spot. The main problem in the settlement is the drainage system, which will be resolved in the shortest possible time."The need for a sports field was also raised. The current sports field does not meet the standards, so after communicating with the citizens, we decided to build a new artificial turf sports field in the settlement, as well as a recreational space.

"Direct communication with citizens, studying existing problems on the spot, and resolving them in the shortest possible time are our top priorities," noted David Verava.

Along with the infrastructure issues raised at the meeting, individual needs of citizens were discussed.

"We continue to actively meet with citizens, today we held a meeting on Baramia Street, in the IDP settlement. Active communication with citizens and addressing existing needs is a top priority for our team."The main problem in the settlement is the drainage system, which will be resolved in a short time. We will also build a new square and an artificial turf sports field in the Baramia settlement.

The current sports field does not meet the requirements. I am glad that so many young people are involved in sports, which is why it is necessary to organize a larger sports space.

"We will hold meetings in this format in all villages and districts, and the population will be maximally involved in the implementation of all projects and the decision-making process," noted Davit Kodua.


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