Administration of the State Representative

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Office of Honorary Consulate of Kyrgyzstan opened in Poti city in Georgia

2023-03-21 13:07:00

Office of Honorary Consul of Kyrgyzstan opened in Poti city in Georgia. The official opening ceremony was attended by the Governor of the Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti region Giorgi Guguchia together with his deputies and Mayor of the city of Poti Beka Vacharadze.  The State Representative met with  Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Kyrgyzstan to Georgia Kairat Osmonaliev and discussed plans for future cooperation.

“We met and descussed with Ambassador about our joint plan to continue closer relations and cooperation in the future.  The  opening of the Honorary Consulate of Kyrgyzstan is an important step in the development of relations between the two countries," said the State Representative  of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti.

Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic Kairat Osmonaliev noted that the opening of the Honorary Consulate was an important event in bilateral relations, evidence of the high level of relations between the two countries and would make a significant contribution to bilateral trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian ties.

Consulate of Kyrgyzstan is the first foreign diplomatic missions in Poti.


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