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Ekaterine Tikaradze Got Familiarized with Testing Process at So Called Crossing Point on Enguri Bridge

2021-04-23 13:41:00

Minister of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labor, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia, Ekaterine Tikaradze together with First Deputy Minister, Tamar Gabunia and the State Representative of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Malkhaz Toria personally got familiarized with testing of the citizens at so called crossing point on Enguri Bridge. 


4 medical brigades are mobilized on the site. Two waiting camps are arranged for the citizens. Two special rooms are designated for testing. Up to 1 200 people have been already tested with rapid tests at the medical points opened at Enguri Bridge. The majority of entering from occupied territories are pensioners, mothers with many children, people with health conditions.


“We got familiarized with testing of the citizens at so called crossing point on Enguri Bridge. It is a very important process and envisages the study of epidemiological situation at the occupied territories. Up to now, up to 1200 people entered from occupied territories, average daily rate is equal to 300”, - stated Ekaterine Tikaradze.


Transfer of the people with suspicions symptoms to quarantine zone is ensured by the representatives of Public Health Centers. As for vaccination, the citizens are provided with information on the site and those willing to get vaccinated can get registered for vaccination in preferred clinics right there.


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