Administration of the State Representative

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As part of a new initiative of the Czech Development Agency ''Tied Financial Donation'', Rukhi Republic Hospital received Czech medical equipment

2021-04-20 17:29:00

As part of a new initiative of the Czech Development Agency "Tied Financial Donation", Rukhi Republic Hospital received Czech medical equipment. The program aims to provide the hospital with modern technologies and improve the services provided by them.

Medical Equipment donated Ceremony attended by the State Representative of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Malkhaz Toria,  the Deputy Foreign Minister of the Czech Republic Michaela Marksová, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Georgia Petr Mikiska and local authorities.

"We are meeting for the second time in the last week to hand over new equipment to the Rukhi Clinic. This fact is crucial for this medical facility and its development. Rukhi clinic received medical equipment with cost of 190 000 Euros, financed by Czech Republic, which will improve the capabilities of the  clinic. I would like to thank the Czech Embassy for this assistance. I will never get tired of thanking you doctors, especially for the work done in the last 1 year, you are heroes, thank you for all the hard work you have done!” - said Malkhaz Toria.

Acquisition of new equipment will improve the intensive care units of Rukhi Hospital. The program also includes trainings for hospital staff provided by Czech specialists. They will share their experiences with the staff and learn how to use the received technologies. The cost of the project is 190,000 euros.

Today, the State Representative, together with the Deputy Foreign Minister of the Czech Republic and Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Georgia, visited the Zugdidi Screening Center, which was built and equipped by the Caritas of the Czech Republic (CCRG).



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