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The Prime Minister got acquainted with the ongoing works on Enguri HPP

2021-03-29 16:53:00

The Enguri HPP accounts for 40% of all power generation, so let me remind those who still have concerns about hydropower plants, how important the Enguri and other HPPs are, Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili told the press after familiarizing himself with the ongoing rehabilitation of the Enguri HPP.

Along with the Prime MinisterEnguri HPP visited by the State Representative of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Malkhaz Toria and Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development Natia Turnava.


Acceding to the Head of Government, no work of this magnitude has been undertaken at the Enguri HPP in the past 20 years. The Enguri HPP is vitally important for the country's energy independence and security. The Enguri HPP accounts for 40% of all power generation, so let me remind those who still have concerns about hydropower plants, how important the Enguri and other HPPs are.

"Today, we visited the site of ongoing work at the Enguri HPP. As you know, no work of this magnitude has been undertaken at the Enguri HPP in the past 20 years. The work's value makes up 43 million euro, of which 7 million euro we received as a grant, and the rest was allocated by EBRD to the Government. The work, launched in January, will be finalized in late May. I avail myself of this opportunity to reiterate the crucial importance of the Enguri HPP for the country's energy independence and security. The Enguri HPP was built about 50 years ago, with virtually all of Samegrelo employed here at the time. It is common knowledge that the power plant's construction brought about the region's development, with thousands employed here. And even today 1,200 people are permanently employed, with the addition of 650 more at this point, which is very important for the country. The Enguri HPP accounts for 40% of all power generation, so it is necessary to point out its importance and once again remind our society, our citizens, how important this power plant is for our country's energy independence. Just imagine that the Enguri HPP does not operate in the country. As you know, the Enguri HPP accounts for 40% of all power generation, so let me remind those who still have concerns about hydropower plants, how important the Enguri and other HPPs are," Irakli Garibashvili said.

To implement emergency work at all five aggregates of the diversion tunnel, the Enguri HPP suspended operations on January 20, 2021. Presently, renovation and rehabilitation activities are implemented on schedule. The process is underway 24/7. Most of those employed are locals. The rehabilitation work will significantly reduce the volume of water leaking from the tunnel, eventually to reflect in the volume of power generated by the hydropower plant. The rehabilitation of the plant's diversion tunnel will cut down the loss of water by 30-35% to allow for generating up to an additional 100 million kWh. The Enguri HPP is expected to return into the country's power grid in early May.


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