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Enguri hydropower plant rehabilitation works are underway

2021-02-05 13:15:00

Natia Turnava Inspected Rehabilitation Works at Enguri HPP Diversion Tunnel. Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development visited the arch dam of the Enguri HPP to study the condition of the Enguri hydropower plant and examine the rehabilitation works.

Acting State Representative in the Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Region, Malkhaz Toria, Chairman of the Board of the Enguri Ltd. Levan Mebonia and Head of the Arched Dam Department Johnny Chania accompanied Natia Turnava at the Enguri HPP.

The Minister attended the process of removing sludge from the reservoir and inspected the ongoing drilling-cementation works in the diversion tunnel.

Ongoing rehabilitation of the diversion tunnel will significantly reduce the amount of water leaking from the tunnel, which will affect the electricity generated by the Enguri hydropower plant in the future. As a result of the rehabilitation of the HPP diversion tunnel, water loss will be reduced by 30-35%, which means additional 100 million kWh of electricity generation per year.

On January 20, 2021, all the five units of the Enguri HPP were stopped for urgent rehabilitation works in the diversion tunnel. According to the Minister, the works are being carried out 24 hours a day and are planned to be completed by the beginning of the May this year, as water resources are increasing by that time and it is important that the Enguri HPP starts generating electricity with increased capacity.

The total cost of the rehabilitation project is 45 million Euros – 7 million is a grant received from the European Commission, and 38 million is the financial resource allocated by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

The rehabilitation works employ about 300 people and most of them are locals.


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