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Malkhaz Toria attended the presentation 2020 Annual Report of the Ministry of Health within the Project “ GOVERNMENT REPORT TO CITIZENS OF GEORGIA”

2021-01-28 14:14:00

„ Government Report to Citizens of Georgia “- Minister of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labor, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia conducted presentation outlining activities of the Ministry during the year of 2020.

The Minister dwelt upon the reforms implemented by the Ministry at the Rukhi Republican Hospital. As explained by the Minister, the Rukhi Multi-profile Hospital is a very important bridge over the main value - human life and health.


Ekaterine Tikaradze focused on responsibilities and challenges that gained critical importance during the pandemic. As stated by the Minister one of the main goals of ongoing reforms is geographic and financial accessibility to high quality healthcare. 


The Minister overviewed the preventive measures taken from initial outbreak of the diseases up to now. While presenting the report, the Minister focused on all main interventions which contributed in successful management of the first wave of the pandemic.


Emergency care doctors provide the citizens with emergency assistance in the shortest period of time to the extent practicable. From January 1, 2020 emergency medical assistance has been provided to 1 200 000 citizens. The average waiting period has been reduced from 1 hour and 24 minutes to 20 minutes.


Ekaterine Tikaradze noted that the agreement with COVAX was signed. The agreement envisages assistance in terms of procurement of COVID-19 vaccine.  As explained by the Minister, Georgia was granted with the possibility to timely receive vaccines needed for immunization of 20% of the population.


Ekaterine Tikaradze focused on the patients with chronic diseases. As stated by the Minister, these patients have not faced problems with regard to receiving healthcare services during the pandemic.

While presenting the report, Ekaterine Tikaradze dwelt upon changes in the Universal Healthcare Program and noted that treatment for oncologic patients will be financed by the State. 


Social measures taken by the State were given emphasis. As stated by the Minister, reverification of socio-economic situation of socially vulnerable families was temporarily suspended.   


According to Ekaterine Tikaradze, the Ministry of Health introduced a significant reform aimed at creation of safety and dignified working environment. Starting from January 1, 2021, Labor Inspection will shift to a new level. As explained by the Minister, decline in number of workplace accidents is a result of public-private partnership.


Active resettlement and livelihood provision for Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories and ecomigrants was set as a priority goal by the Ministry. The significant resources have been mobilized for this purposes.

During the year of 2020, new housing was provided to more than 2 000 Internally Displaced Families.

Up to 400 IDPs were financed with purpose to support vocational education, employment, self-employment, agricultural and entrepreneurial activities.  In 2021 the Agency will procure 2 200 newly constructed apartments and 1 200 houses in villages for internally displaced families.


Healthy citizen, social wellbeing, and creation of dignified working environment remain firm priorities for the Ministry of Health.


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