Administration of the State Representative

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Malkhaz Toria: We are building 9 new schools in Samegrelo Zemo Svaneti and we are fully rehabilitating 11 schools

2021-01-22 11:38:00

9 public schools are being built and 11 schools are being fully rehabilitated in Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti region. Construction of two schools across the region and full rehabilitation of three was completed in 2020.

Acting State Representative of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Malkhaz Toria together with the Mayor of Zugdidi Giorgi Shengelia and the Chairman of the City Council Mamuka Tsotseria  got acquainted with the rehabilitation works of the school in the First Public School of Zugdidi.

Rehabilitation works of Akaki Tsereteli Public School N1 in Zugdidi are carried out by the Municipal Development Fund of Georgia.

“We are currently constructing 9 public schools and fully rehabilitating 11 schools throughout the Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti region.

We got acquainted with the rehabilitation process in the first historical public school of Zugdidi, where the building is currently being reinforced, the school's interior and exterior spaces will be improved. It is important that after the completion of the project, students will be able to receive education in schools renovated and equipped according to modern standards, "- said Malkhaz Toria.


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