Administration of the State Representative

საქართველოს ადმინისტრაციულ-ტერიტორიულ ერთეულებში - აბაშის, ზუგდიდის, მარტვილის, მესტიის,

სენაკის, ჩხოროწყუს, წალენჯიხის, ხობის მუნიციპალიტეტებსა და თვითმმართველ ქალაქ ფოთში

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Toughening rules to prevent spreading of coronavirus in Samegrelo-region

2020-03-28 22:37:00

From 26 March toughening rules to prevent spreading of coronavirus in Samegrelo-region,  Public transport stops,

The  police starts working along with Military forces and health care spaces joint groups.

Additional checkpoints will be set up at the entrances to the region, which means an increased police presence, that is, police units will strictly control vehicular traffic. Controlling vehicular traffic means ensuring that transportation takes place with appropriate social distancing - the presence of no more than three people in a single automobile: a driver, and two passengers who have to sit in the rear. At the same time, police will be patrolling throughout the entire region to ensure compliance with this rule. Furthermore, additional police forces will be mobilized to strictly control the implementation of all the restrictions that are in place under the state of emergency, including ones concerning the operation of various facilities, public gatherings, and so forth. This is neither a declaration of Samegrelo as a quarantine zone, nor the imposition of a curfew. These measures are aimed at tightening the enforcement of the restrictions under the current state of emergency, which are designed to make sure that every one of our citizens feels safe.

“There are dangers, these dangers are great, at the same time don't forget, we are very close to the occupation line. Unfortunately the information we get from there is not good, it is expectedly that our fellow citizens living in Abkhazia will move to our region for medical treatment, all citizens will receive appropriate assistance. We try our best to take all measures, to slow the spread of the epidemic.

I would like to clarify that these measures are not analogous to the situation in Marneuli. There is a curfew in Marneuli, the whole city is practically closed, we do not take this measure, but that does not mean that we are hopeful, as it happened today, when it turned out that fortunately four people were negative for COVID-19  - after that we saw today that traffic in the city and district had increased. We, who are forced to take these measures, our fellow citizens will understand it. It is better to make stricter now and to taking maximum measures. Please exercise caution and stay safely, until tomorrow and the day after tomorrow we have unmanageable processes. ” Stated the State Representative of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti  Alexander Motserelia of Maestro TV: Live.

The State Representative of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti also calls on medics and students of relevant profile for assistance. "We need your help,"- Call on medical field representatives from Maestro live broadcast.


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