Administration of the State Representative

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President Zourabichvili Attends Training of II Infantry Brigade at Senaki Military Base

2020-03-10 18:17:00

President Salome Zourabichvili, as Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Georgian Armed Forces, attended the military training of the II Infantry Brigade at the Senaki Military Base. The training was held on the sidelines of GDRP - Georgian Defense Readiness Program.

The President visited the Western Command of the Defense Forces at the military base. President Zourabichvili laid a wreath at the Memorial of Heroes Fallen for Georgia’s Unity, noting that the strength of the country stands on the Georgian Army.

Colonel Joni Tatunashvili, Commander of the West Command of the Defense Forces, introduced members of the Western Command to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief and briefed her on the history, mission, structure, and power system of the Command, as well as on upcoming and ongoing peacekeeping missions, trainings, and exercises.

President Zourabichvili left a note in the guestbook of the military base.  


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