Administration of the State Representative

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Led by Alexander Motserelia held a meeting with the coordinating working group on Coronavirus

2020-03-02 17:54:00

Today, Coordination Council on Coronavirus held meeting under the chairmanship of the State Representative.

During the meeting, the State Representative briefed on the progress of disinfection works for preventing the spread of novel coronavirus in the Region.

Throughout the region with the recommendations of the Ministry of Health of Georgia, carried out  disinfection works for schools and preschools, as well as for public transport. At the meeting also discussed about the issue of allocating quarantine spaces.

Coordinating  working group based on the State Representative Administration. Members  include: The State Representative, Mayors, City Council Chairmen, Resource Center and  National Center for Disease Control and Public Health representatives.

The conversation touched on to prevent the spread of new coronavirus, the Interagency Coordination Council has issued recommendations to cancel large gatherings in public circulation areas. This information has already been sent to local self-governing authorities.

The meeting also underlined that, based on the council's recommendation, temporary working groups have been created in the regions under the leadership of governors, to bring together municipal mayors, chairs of assemblies, and heads of resource centers and non-profit legal entities. For their part, the governors are reporting daily to the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure and the Prime Minister's Adviser on Relations with Regions Sozar Subari on the implementation of the Interagency Coordination Council's recommendations.


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