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სენაკის, ჩხოროწყუს, წალენჯიხის, ხობის მუნიციპალიტეტებსა და თვითმმართველ ქალაქ ფოთში

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International Customs Day Ceremony celebrated in Poti

2020-01-24 17:34:00

EXBS receives high recognition at the International Customs Day Ceremony organized by the Georgian Ministry of Finance at the Poti Customs Clearance Zone. The EXBS Advisor accepted a Certificate of Appreciation signed by the Minister of Finance for “invaluable, sustainable support and outstanding cooperation in enhancing capacities of Georgian Customs”.

Official event dedicated to International Customs Day was opened by the Head of the Revenue Service of the Ministry of Finance Levan Kakava. He congratulated each customs officer on his professional day and thanked them for their hard work.

Minister of Finance Ivane Machavariani addressed the participants of the event from the economic forum in Davos. He said that in recent years, many reforms have been introduced to improve as the legislative framework, as well as  custom services and infrastructure development, in which sustoms officials made a significant contribution. Minister of Finance informed customs officers about the decision, which has been increasing their remuneration from March of this year.

The event was attended by the State Representative of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Alexander  Motserelia, Poti majoritarian and local government representatives.

Deputy Minister of Finance Lasha Khutsishvili emphasized the successful cooperation with international partners. As he noted, the process of institutional strengthening of customs is carried out with their support.

Nineteen  successful employees of Georgia Revenue Service were awarded with World Customs Organization Certificates of Honor.

Also, on behalf of the Minister of Finance of Georgia were awarded with Certificates of Merit and incentive rewards to International Partners of Revenue Service of Ministry of Finance:  United States Export Control and Border Security Program,  GUAM Regional Organization for Democracy and Economic Development, Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Turkey.


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