Administration of the State Representative

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Construction of a component manufacturing plant begins in Poti Free Industrial Zone

2020-01-29 17:32:00

Construction  of a component manufacturing plant begins and the foundation laying event was held in Poti Free Industrial Zone. The event attended by the first deputy of the State Representative of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti David Partsvania, Poti Free Industrial Zone Director David Ebralidze and Poti Mayor Gocha Kurdghelia.  

In Poti Free Industrial Zone will be built a new factory equal European standards, with  eco-friendly, modern technology equipments, whose production is fully focused on export and employment of local workers. The plant is being built by Poti TIZ, a registered company of Sdt Georgia LLC. It’s representative businessman Giacomo D'amato owns analogous-type factories in China (Sujou) and Italy (Milan). The plant is being built on Separated 5000 sq.m of Poti “FIZ” territor, where Georgian and foreign raw materials: from aluminum and zinc block will be made from different types of vehicle components, which exported to EU countries, China, USA and Mexico. In the first year of production it is planned to export components worth up to $ 5 million, which will increase annually.

The first phase will employ about 60 local workers, the number of which will be grow to 100 employees by 2021.  Factory workers will receive special training an analogous-type factories in China (Sujou).  The company has already sent the first group for training, with the second group scheduled for April 2020. Construction of the plant will be completed in September 2020. Construction of the plant is carried out by Eco House.


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