Administration of the State Representative

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Lapland Santa, who travels in Georgia have been on Enguri Bridge and congratulated New Year to the children living along the dividing line

2020-01-03 16:21:00

Lapland Santa, who travels in  Georgia have been on Enguri Bridge and congratulated New Year to the children living along the dividing line. Santa Claus is agoodwill Ambassador from Finland.

“Now we are in very special place, still today this brige is dividing occupied Abkhazia and free Georgia, but I know my best negotiation, you know that my main task around the world is to be Ambassador peace and all of good things, that  why I really hope, that not tomorrow but very soon, this border will be off and I wanna come here next year to check with this border is over, I hope this words is the best for all Georgian people and others actually, all people around the world and  hope that everybody, in all countries, in 5 continent's, they have just now a moment for Georgian people and for free Georgia. thank you, I love you very much.”- stated  the Santa Claus a goodwill Ambassador all over the world.

Along with Santa there have been the deputy of the State Representative of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti  Davit Verava, Deputy Mayor of Zugdidi Municipality Konstantine Kakava and other local authorities.

After Zugdidi  Santa Claus will visit Poti, on  January 2 he  visiting  Mestia. Laplandian visitor will stay in Georgia until January 9, during this time he will visit different regions and capitals of the country.

The project initiators are: “ Finland-Georgia Relation Association,” “Finland-Georgia friendship and cultural international Center.” The project is implemented with the support of the State Representative Administration of Samegrelo-Zemo Svanet,  The gold sponsor is “Khareba” Winery.


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