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Zugdidi Botanical Garden rehabilitation works completed

2019-12-29 17:05:00

Zugdidi Botanical Garden rehabilitation works completed.

Zugdidi Botanical Garden Complex rehabilitation works completed.

►Existing buildings have been renovated in the garden area, walk paths, artificial lake, herbarium were arranged. New varieties of plants were added to the garden.

► Guests can visit the renovated Botanical Garden from December 29.

►The cost of the rehabilitation project - more than 10 million GEL.

►The project  implemented by the Municipal Development Fund of Georgia along with World Bank  and Zugdidi Municipality City Hall.

✅ Rehabilitation of Zugdidi Botanical Garden is underway on the basis of the design document, funded by the National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation and the “Cartu” Foundation prepared by the Georgian Museum Association. 

Forrefinement to international standards, the  project prepared together with invited experts from the European Network of Historic Parks with their methodological advice. 

 Zugdidi Botanical Garden along with the other 4 historic gardens of Georgia joined into the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe.



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