Administration of the State Representative

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Giorgi Gakharia: Opening of a Maritime Academy branch in Poti will enable youth to excel in a high-paid profession highly demanded internationally and to serve their country

2019-12-07 19:36:00

In 2021, Poti will have its own Maritime Academy-financing for the project's implementation have been allocated on the Prime Minister's instruction.

The new Batumi State Maritime Academy branch will be housed in the historical building of the Hydro-Amelioration Technical School in Poti. This monument of cultural heritage, about to see the launch of rehabilitation work, was visited today by Prime Minister Giorgi Gakharia, Head of the Maritime Transport Agency Tamar Ioseliani and the State Representative of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Alexander Motserelia.

At the initial stage, the Poti Academy will focus solely on top-notch vocational education meeting all international standards.

Designed to educate up to 1,000 students, the school will employ almost 250 people.

According to the Head of Government, this school in Poti, besides serving the logistics interests of the region and serving fishing sailors, will also facilitate highly qualified training for regular and assisting crew members.

The budget of the Poti Maritime Academy amounts to 6 million GEL to be financed by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of Georgia.

The Prime Minister discussed the project's importance with the students of the Batumi Maritime Academy.

"Together with the Government and local authorities, we decided to open a branch of the academy in Poti, a news certainly deserving congratulations, and firstly congratulations are due to the residents of Poti and the city itself. At first, it will be a school of vocational education housed in a historical building, which is presently in poor state, unfortunately. In the nearest future, however, a tender will be announced, and the building will be restored. Within one year, we will do everything to complete renovation in order for the Batumi Maritime Academy to run a branch in Poti. And that will enable every citizen, every young person in Georgia to excel in a reputed, high-paid and, most importantly, internationally demanded job. Workplaces are a major challenge facing our country and its economy. The key task is to support individuals, economy, business, and schools of education in creating new jobs. At the same time, it is of paramount importance to help the current imbalance, meaning that our schools of higher education are preparing specialists in vocations not demanded in the market.

The Maritime Academy is the best example when it comes to dealing with said problem. You have no problem landing a job. As you know, there are about 11,000 mariners of different specializations in Georgia, and more than half of them work abroad, this way, among others, providing for their families and helping the country. That is why I want Poti to be the key topic of our today's spontaneous meeting. I would like to congratulate the academy, all of Samegrelo, you, and those youth who will be able to excel in an internationally demanded, high-paid profession, and this way serve their country.

The Poti branch must be highly vocational, because it is new. And it is not about higher education. Of course, the component of higher education at the Batumi Academy has its historical, traditional roots, and that aspect will continue. However, the Poti branch must emerge as the driving force behind the vocational aspect. I believe that this community of Georgian sailors and maritime specialists must expand even further, and each youth must be given the opportunity to receive high-level vocational education. After graduating, you may become professors. I wish you success. Remember that education is a commendable service, above all else, to your country and your families," Giorgi Gakharia emphasized.


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