Administration of the State Representative

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Colchian Wine Festival ''Dia'' was held in Zugdidi

2019-11-24 16:50:00

On November 24 held the first Colchian Wine Festival "Dia”, organized by the State Representative Administration of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti.

The  State Representative of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Alexander Motserelia  opened  the festival and got acquainted with the products and works presented at the festival. Presentation and tasting of wines made from Colchian varieties took place at the first festival of Colchic wines. The event featured various types of wine made by wine companies and family cellars from all over Georgia.  Seminars and presentations were held on wine historic. The winners of the nomination “The Best Colchian Wine” were announced.

The Colchis Wine Festival, Dia was held in Skate Park in Zugdidi.


Seminars and presentations were also held. The winners of the nomination “Best Colchian Wine” were announced. The first place was received by “Royal Dadiani”, second by “Labara” and the third place by “Khareba”.Producers of agricultural products participated in the festival along with winemakers. Agricultural spaces were arranged and guests were able to participate in culinary master classes.Within the framework of the event entrepreneurs were able to sell their products. A separate space was dedicated to the tea.Tasting of 40 different types of cheese was also possible at the event.

Information  about new routes and tourist sites was available in the  tourist space, where it was hosted by the Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Destination Management Organization.

There were exhibited of drawings by 17th-century Italian traveler and missionary Christoforo de Castell,  who lived in Samegrelo. Materials collected by Castell during his life in Georgia and sketches in seven thick bound volumes saving at Palermo Public Library. An Electronic versions of the originals of Castell's works were handed over to the State Representative of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Alexander Motserelia, at the end of October this year. The art space featured works by local artists, Including the “Colchic Odas” of Rezo Adamia, master classes, agrotechnics exhibition, concerts and a contact zoo was organized for children. At the main stage all day long was taking care of guests mood the Folk Ensembles (State Ensemble of Abkhazia, Ensemble "Odoya", Ensemble "Nenskra"). The evening ended with a "Yellow" band.

The aim of the festival is to promote Colchian wine and to support local entrepreneurs.

The event was attended by Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia Solomon Pavliashvili, the State Representatives of Imereti and Samtskhe-Javakheti, Deputies of the State Representative of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti, local government officials and other officials. The event partner is Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, Sponsors are: Bank of Georgia, Development Company "m2", LLC Nenskra Hydro, IFAD, AgriGeorgia, Georgian Hazelnut Processors and Exporters Association, Olam,, USAID Project Zrda,Association for Agricultural Development, Almond and Walnut Growers Association, Pace Group of Companies, wine company “Midlani”, Tsiskvili Group, Microfinance organizations: MBC, Lazika Capital, Crystal. News Supporters: POST-TV, Media Holding, STV, Radio Atinati.

The festival in Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti was organized by the Administration of the State Representative.


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