Administration of the State Representative

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სენაკის, ჩხოროწყუს, წალენჯიხის, ხობის მუნიციპალიტეტებსა და თვითმმართველ ქალაქ ფოთში

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On November 24, the most famous and lesser-known paintings by Don Chistoforo De Castelli will be displayed in Zugdidi

2019-11-22 16:48:00

Don Cristoforo De Castelli - (1600-1659) Roman Catholic missionary. In 1631 he arrive to Georgia with a group of missionaries and he remained there until 1654.

On  November 24 an exhibition of drawings by 17th-century Italian traveler and missionary Christoforo de Castell will be held in Zugdidi.  40 paintings of Don Chistoforo De Castelli depict the lives and times of the people who lived in Samegrelo will be exhibited within the framework of the "Colchian Wine Festival" in Skate Park territory in Zugdidi.

 An Electronic versions of the originals of Castell's works were handed over to the State Representative of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Alexander Motserelia, at the end of October this year.

Christoforos de Castell created valuable works of art while traveling to Georgia in the seventeenth century.

Castel has spent most of his time in Samegrelo region since living in Georgia, he has some interesting paintings  and recordings about this region.

On November 24,  the State Representative Administration of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti  organizing the  first Colchian Wine Festival "Dia” at the territory of Zugdidi Skate Park. .

 At  the first Colchian Wine Festival  wine lovers will have possibility tasting of wines made from Colchian varieties. Also, at the festival will be presented wines made by wine companies and family cellars from all over Georgia. Producers of agricultural products will participate in the festival along with winemakers.Agricultural spaces will be arranged and visitors will be able to participate in culinary master classes.


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