Administration of the State Representative

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The State Representative of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti held a meeting in Poti Free Industrial Zone

2019-09-10 12:48:00


The State Representative of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Alexander Motserelia together with Poti Municipality Mayor Gocha Kurdghelia and First Deputy Mayor Konstantine Topuria has met with Director of Poti Free Industrial Zone office David Bziava.  They  discussed in particular TIZ's ongoing projects and future plans.

The Poti Free Industrial Zone (Poti FIZ), the first free industrial zone in the region, is owned by CEFC Euro-Asian (75%), Georgian Government, Ministry of Economics (10%) and by the Government Agency of the Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah Investment Authority (RAKIA), U.A.E. (15%).

The company operates in the fields of energy, finance, commercial, trade and logistics and it's part of the “Fortune Global 500”. Chinese company, after Poti free Industrial Zone plans to development obtain investment.   The Poti TIZ agreement was signed within the framework of the Chinese-Georgian business forum held in Siena. At this time, about 120 enterprises are registered in Poti Tizi.



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