Administration of the State Representative

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Chkhorotsku celebrated its 90th anniversary

2019-10-19 12:19:00


Today,  a public celebration “Colchian Autumn” was held in the municipality dedicated to 90th anniversary of Chkhorotsku, different types of events were organized. The  event attended by the Deputies of the State Representative of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Luduk Khasia and Davit Verava.

The Municipality Mayor  Dato Gogua opened the event "Colchian Autumn" and awarded 5 "honorary Chkhorotsku citizen" for their special contribution to the development of the municipality.  The mayors of Chkhorotsku and Moletai have solemnly signed a memorandum of cooperation between Chkhorotsku municipality and Moletai municipality of the Republic of Lithuania.

Government Representatives also opend  the bust of Zviad Gamsakhurdia in Chkhorotsku, attended an event at the Lasha Gakharia House Museum in the village of Mukheri, "Dumikvamit Odabade", visited the exhibition "Chkhorotsku is 90 years old" at the Chkhorotsku Historical Museum. Chkhorotsku municipality set a national record, Iago Darsalia created a 34kg sulguni, for which he was awarded a certificate by the Georgian Records Federation. Various cultural and sporting events were held throughout the day at the municipality center.

At the end of the events a gala concert was held with the participation of local band, Sopho and Boris Bedia.



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