Administration of the State Representative

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Vice Premier of Uzbekistan visited in Samegrelo

2019-10-23 13:09:00

Deputy Prime Minister of Uzbekistan Elyor Ganiyev together with the Deputy Minister of Transport of Uzbekistan and other members of the official delegation visited the ports of Poti and Anaklia. The State Representative of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Alexander Motserelia together with together with the mayors of Zugdidi and Poti hosted the Vice Prime Minister of Uzbekistan. In addition to the Poti port, Elyor Ganiyev visited the Free Industrial Zone, Poti Customs registracion  Zone and APM Terminal. According to Elyor Ganiyev, Georgia and Uzbekistan have great potential for cooperation in cargo transportation. That is why Uzbekistan is interested in increasing freight through Georgian ports. At the meeting, the Vice Prime Minister explained that the increase in freight flow through Georgia would have a very high economic impact.

The delegation members of Uzbekistan have observed the construction works of Anaklia Port.The visit has taken place within the framework of the Silk Road Forum.




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