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A solemn meeting of the world Champion was held in Khobi

2019-09-19 10:44:00

Fans of Nugzar Tsurtsumia, World Champion, member of Georgian Greco-Roman wrestling team held a solemn meeting at Khobi Culture House.

The ceremony was attended by the First Deputy of the State Representative of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Davit Partvania, Khobi Municipality Mayor Gocha Kajaia and Sakrebulo Chairman Edisher Jobava.

At the meeting showed photo-video collage of Tsurtsumia's participation at the World Championship in Kazakhstan. Khobi World Champion and his coaches (Mamuka Korshia, Suraji Gvasalia, Bakur Bukia) will receive a monetary award from the local budget.

Georgian Greco-Roman wrestlers Nugzar Tsurtsumia and has won the World Championship in Kazakhstan in their respective categories. In the final, Nugzar Tsurtsumia has defeated his Kazakh rival, wrestler Khorlan Zhakansha in the 55 kg category.

Georgian Greco-Roman wrestler under 23 has won at the European Championship which is being held in Serbia.



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