Administration of the State Representative

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Meeting on the organizational issues of ''MASTER LEAGUE''

2019-08-23 10:57:00

The football tournament of "MASTER LEAGUE" was discussed in Administration of the State Representative.  The meeting was attended by Deputies of the State representative Luduk (Nukri) Khasia and David Verava.

During the meeting with the representatives of the municipalities  talked about organizational issues of the tournament both on regional and municipal level. The meeting was attended by the Head of Relations with Local –Self Government and Regional Projects Coordination Service.

The project is being implemented by the Georgian Football Federation, Tbilisi City Hall and Georgian Football Development Fund.

There should be 3 team subgroups in each municipality and the winner subgroup will participate  in their own Regional Championship, which will be held with Olympic system and the winner team of the region together with the champions of other regions of Georgia will participate in the final stage of “MASTER CUP”(12 teams, 6-Eastern Georgia, 6-Western Georgia).


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