Administration of the State Representative

საქართველოს ადმინისტრაციულ-ტერიტორიულ ერთეულებში - აბაშის, ზუგდიდის, მარტვილის, მესტიის,

სენაკის, ჩხოროწყუს, წალენჯიხის, ხობის მუნიციპალიტეტებსა და თვითმმართველ ქალაქ ფოთში

eng_ქალაქი ზუგდიდიeng_ფოთიeng_მარტვილიeng_ხობიeng_წალენჯიხაeng_ჩხოროწყუeng_აბაშაeng_სენაკიeng_მესტიაeng_რეგიონის განვითარების სტრატეგია 2014-2021eng_სამოქმედო გეგმაeng_ანგარიშები

eng_ახალი ამბები

A new bridge has been opened in Gaghma Sajijao

2019-08-14 19:00:00

The bridge connecting to the village Gaghma Sajijao has been opened in Khobi municipality. The bridge was destroyed by a natural disaster last year and the population had to move using alternative routes to the central road, which of course created problems. Due to road blocks the village the ambulance could not move and the students had to cross the river to reach school.

More than 200,000 GEL was allocated for the construction of the Gaghma Sajijao Bridge. The bridge was constructed using funds coming from disaster prevention program and local budget.

State Representative of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Alexander Motserelia observed the completed works together with Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure Ilia Begiashvili, Parliament members and local Government officials.


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