Administration of the State Representative

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Tribute paid to the memory of the hero soldiers fallen in August war 2008

2019-08-08 18:55:00

A memorial to remember heroes of Augusts’ war, those who sacrificed their lives fighting for Georgia’s territorial integrity was opened by the State Representative of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Alexander Motserelia, Mayor of Zugdidi and the son of one of the war victims, Badri Berandze. The memorial was placed in the park located in the back of the Public Service hall in Zugdidi. 

“August war is the hardest piece of the recent history of Georgia. The time when our country once again became a victim of Russian aggression, so this day is extremely throbbing and painful for each and every Georgian and the behavior of our heroes who bravely died during the war will always be an example for future generations of how to love and be devoted to your motherland "-stated Alexander Motserelia.

The State Representative and his Deputy Davit Partsvania were among the local Government Representatives attending today’s memorial opening ceremony  and paying a visit of respect to the graves of Badri Berandze and Davit Jiqia, who had lost their lives while serving Georgia in the August war in 2008. They laid flowers and showed honor to the memory of fallen heroes.


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