Administration of the State Representative

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Deputy of the State representative of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Nino Vibliani has been on the spot of the disaster.

2019-07-26 20:46:00

Deputy of the State Representative of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Nino Vibliani and head of the State Representative Administration Levan Tsulaia have been on the spot of the disaster and become acquainted with the development of situation in Mestia. According to the preliminary assessment of specialists of the National Environmental Agency of the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture the disaster in Mestia municipality on July 25 was caused only by natural factors. Also, the central water intake is damaged;

According to the statement of Mestia Mayor Captain Zhorzholiani the restoration works will be completed within two days.

As a result of the disaster, Rescuer team of the Emergency Management Service evacuated the tourists placing them on the other side of the river timely.  National Environmental Agency Specialists’ Group has been in Mestia-Chale gorge, carrying out a research works of the territory. Recommendations for appropriate protection measures will be developed. At this time, as the specialists explained the water level in river Mestia-Chale significantly decreased.


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