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A competition announced with the initiative of Council of Europe was won by two contestants from Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti

2019-07-22 20:43:00

Two from all five contestants presented from Georgia on the competition announced with the initiative of Council of Europe-“European Heritage Makers Week” won the contest. Both of the winners are representatives of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti. Participants should have created and presented the works on topics: Art and Fun / Cognition. The winners will be visit Strasbourg for a special event in November.

A pilot initiative within the European Heritage Days, the European Heritage Makers Week aims to give voice to the youngest, encourage them to explore the history and heritage around them, and get involved in the European-level celebrations of the European Year of Cultural Heritage.

Launched on 18 April 2018, children and young people from participating countries are encouraged to explore their surroundings, get to know the cultural heritage around them and come up with a story of Europe in the selected site.

Following a national pre-selection, a European jury will select the ten most inspiring stories and invite #HeritageMakers to visit Strasbourg for a special event in November.    

The winner of the competition is Elene Tuzbaia the 12th grade student of N 1 Public school of village Kakhati in Zugdidi municipality. Her work "Our European Heritage - Dadiani Palace in Zugdidi" is among the three winners.

The winner of the competition is 12 year old Barbara Giglemyan, pupil of village Tsvira public school in Mestia municipality. The first festival is Lamproba in Svaneti (Georgia) and second one is Up Helly Aa Festival,

You can see Barbara Giglemian's work here:

You can see Elene Tuzbaia’s work here:



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