Administration of the State Representative

საქართველოს ადმინისტრაციულ-ტერიტორიულ ერთეულებში - აბაშის, ზუგდიდის, მარტვილის, მესტიის,

სენაკის, ჩხოროწყუს, წალენჯიხის, ხობის მუნიციპალიტეტებსა და თვითმმართველ ქალაქ ფოთში

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eng_ახალი ამბები

Representatives of NATO peacekeeping mission are participating in the archaeological excavations in Nokalakevi

2019-07-07 21:00:00

The III stage of re-socialization program in Nokalakevi architectural complex of Ukrainian and Estonian military personnel participating in NATO international peacekeeping missions is underway organized by National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation, Ministry of Defense of Georgia and Ukraine, Embassy of the Republic of Ukraine in Georgia, and the Embassy of Georgia in Estonia. Unprecedented Project ever for the Caucasian Area envisages provision of scientific expedition in the Unique Town (IX-VII cc BC) under the supervision of the doctors, in the Georgian-English archeological teams. The militaries are involved in both field and laboratory works for the purpose of their psycho-emotional and social rehabilitation.

Today, the Archaeological excavation process in Nokalakevi architectural complex was visited  by the State Representative of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Alexander Motserelia, General Director of the National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation Nikoloz Antidze, Ambassador of Ukraine to Georgia Igor Dolgov and the representative group of the Ministry of Defense of Georgia and they awarded the expedition participants with memorable gifts. 4 Georgian and 4 Ukrainian veteran militaries have participated in Archaeological Survey in current month’s search process.  In a few days, a group of Georgian and Estonian soldiers will join the international expedition with rotation principle.

Georgian Military personnel resocialization program is being implemented on the basis of the memorandum of cooperation made between the National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation and the Ministry of Defense of Georgia.Nokalakevi is an archaeological complex of IV-VI centuries, which is divided into three parts on the mountain contour, lower terraces, as slope and citadel, complex from the II millennium BC Year Includes all chronological layers. The cultural heritage of the ancient Hellenistic period is concentrated in the lower terrace of eastern sector. During archaeological expeditions started in 1973 there was discovered a tomb of Eristavi Quji, and nearby up to 500 tombs are excavated and studied as well. The scientific research of Nokalakevi Architectural Complex has been international since 2001, in which UK scientific associations are involved; hence the Soviet method of archaeological excavation has been replaced by the British.



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