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Winner of the Regional Competition of School Sports Olympiad 2018 became Senaki Public School

2018-08-09 16:30:00

Competition of the best works prepared by the pupils' teams of municipalities in the region was held on the subject of “Sports and Healthy Lifestyle" within the "School Sports Olympiad 2018", Zugdidi Municipality.

In the competition, public schools # 1 of Rukhi, Qveda Nagvazao, Mulakhi, Senaki №3, Tsalenjikha №1 and Poti #1 School named after T heophane Davitaia took part in the competition.

The winner of the Regional Competition of School Sports Olympiad 2018 became Senaki Public School # 3. Among the 6 public schools of the region, the best team has been identified by the special jury.

The winner team will take part in the national championship, which will be held in the National Federation of Children and students of Georgia.

"School Sports Olympiad 2018" is organized by the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs of Georgia and the National Federation of Children and students of Georgia.


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