Administration of the State Representative

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Jubilee concert of ''Georgian Voices'' and ''Big Band'' held in Zugdidi

2018-07-13 22:03:00

In Zugdidi, the concert of "Tbilisi City Hall's Big Band" and legendary ensemble "Georgian Voices" was held. Concerts in the regions of Georgia are held with the frames of  joint tour. The music series combines best examples of the Georgian folklore, stage songs, pop and world hits.

The concert, the duration of which was 90 minutes, was conducted. The Regional Tour is being held within the project ,,Check in Georgia”. Attendance was free.

Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Governor Levan Shonia and local Government representatives will attend the concert in Zugdidi.

After Zugdidi, the "Tbilisi City Hall's Big Band" and the legendary ensemble "Georgian Voices" will be held in Khobi on July 14 and on July 16 in Poti.

Here's a list of cultural and entertainment events planned in Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti during summer.


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