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Black Sea Arena management team will organize concerts in Anaklia-Ganmukhuri on tourist season

2018-04-07 16:36:00

A working meeting was held in Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti governor's administration regarding the planning of Anaklia-Ganmukhuri tourist season, which was attended by Ani Kalleishvili, Director of Black Sea Arena along with the Governor and local self-government representatives.

The management group of Black Sea Arena will organize concerts in Anaklia-Ganmukhuri resort zone.

"This year's season should be the best of all time, not only in one direction, but it should be a holiday for everyone." Anaklia will have a variety of entertainment and sports events together with electronic msic weekends. We have already reconstructed all family type hotels and They are ready for the new season It "- said the Governor at the meeting.

"Samegrelo is the most important area for check in Georgia, and Anaklia-Ganmukhuri territory has the greatest potential to make Georgia interesting and attracting for tourists, so the management of "Black Sea Arena "will do their best  with the team of professionals to make the summer of 2018  interesting and attractive. As the Minister of Economy Mr. Dimitri Kumsishvili noticed, In 2019 the Government will announce a multi-year program, which will create a new festival for Anaklia. "- Ani Kavlelishvili said.

This year  In Anaklia USAID project ZRDA will also host a business festival "Anaklioba", which will promote tourism and business development in the region.


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