Administration of the State Representative

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The village attorneys have informed the strategy of fighting against Asian bugs

2018-03-01 16:33:00

A working meeting was held in Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti state representative-governor` s office about  the strategy of fighting against the Asian bugs and the current action plan.

State representative Levan Shonia and head of the National Food Agency Zurab Chekurashvili met mayors of the municipalities and village attorneys.

Levan Shonia emphasized that he will carry out large-scale events  this year and the agency together with the local authorities will continue to work in coordination.

"Monitoring across the country will be conducted and the area of ​​chemical measures will be determined. At the same time it is important to increase awareness of the population and their active involvement, "Zurab Chekurashvili stated. .

Meetings about  the fight against pests are held permanently in different regions.

Strategy for Combating Asian pests  See the link:


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