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Governor of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti met mayors of the region and their deputies

2018-02-26 17:46:00

Governor of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Levan Shonia together  with deputy governor Davit Kodua, met  the mayors, their deputies and infrastructure heads of the municipalities.

At the workshop, the regional governor instructed  the mayors  to create new tourist routes and diversify  of existing ones .

"Our region has exhausted tourism potential, we have to create new routes, we are working on the Martvili Canyon, we work to develop infrastructure on the BaldaCanyon, where  there are many interesting tourist routes. Tourism routes will be developed in Mukhuri, Khobi gorge, as well as in the direction of the Intsra and Squri. We are working in the  direction of Tskemi in Abasha. Besides, the so-called "the gate of the region" will be located in the entrance  with the variety of infrastructure, together with the Information Center of the placement, which will provide the incoming tourists with  detailed information about sights and tourist facilities "- the governor stated.

The meeting with the mayors of the region also discussed the issues related to bugs. 

"We should involve the village attorneys as well as the volunteers in the fight against the pest and make the most effective work. We will get a specific plan-schedule from the Ministry of Environment Protection and the Ministry of Agriculture that will fight against pests and to carry out the work that the government has planned ", stated the governor at the meeting.

At the meeting of the Mayors they talked about holding a large-scale cleaning action. According to Levan Shonia, the cleaning action will be held on March 4 in every municipality of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti region and any citizen may join it.

"Our region has taken the largest number of volunteers in the last year's clean-up, this data should definitely be impressive this year, we should all be able to take care of our yard, street, city, region, country. The cleaning services in our municipalities are working day and night , their work is undervalued and we have to follow them to create clean environment. I call on all public officials, each citizen to take part in the action, and tke care for the environment "- said Levan Shonia.

The governor also received information from the mayors of the municipalities of the region concerning infrastructural projects and discussed the next year's priority projects, which are reflected in the municipalities' action plan.


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